中文翻译与英英解释 | 咖啡壶;〔美俚〕小餐馆。
| | | coffee: n. 咖啡(树、豆、粉或色)。 a cup of cof ... | | pot: n. 1.壶,瓶,罐;钵,(深)锅。 2.【冶金】坩埚。 ... | |
例句与用法 | 1. | A teakettle , a coffee pot , and a syrup jug have spouts 茶壶、咖啡壶以及糖浆罐都有嘴。
| | 2. | I broke their coffee pot - i ' m really a bull in a china shop 我打碎了他们的咖啡壶- -我真是毛手毛脚的。
| | 3. | Rodney ' s house is like an airstream trailer crossed with a coffee pot 罗德尼的房子(外形)就象一辆缀有咖啡壶的蒸气拖车。
| | 4. | She accidentally broke our coffee pot , she really is like a bull in a china shop 她不小心把我们的咖啡壶打破了,她真是个毛手毛脚的闯祸人。
| | 5. | She accidentally breaks our coffee pot , and she really is like a bull in a china shop 她不小心把我们的咖啡壶打破了,她真是个毛手毛脚的闯祸人。
| | 6. | Can you make a simple table , a chair , a plain dish , a rug , a coffee pot 能制作一张简单的桌子、一把椅子、一个普通的盘子、一条毯子或者一把咖啡壶吗?
| | 7. | Flat - screen , high - definition tvs have been flying off the shelves for the last year and are now as common in homes as coffee pots 纯平电视、高清电视从去年起就飞入寻常百姓家,已经像咖啡壶一样普遍。
| | 8. | The decks were soon covered with colourful rugs from persa , silk from india , copper coffee pots , and beautiful hand - made silver ware . it was difficult not to be tempted 很快甲板上便布满了波斯的彩色毛毯、印度的丝绸、铜咖啡壶以及美丽的手工制作的银器。对此不动心是很困难的。
| | 9. | You should have the following articles : a long - handled frying pan , a broiler ; a tin coffee pot ; a long iron fork ; a long iron spoon ; some cheap tin cups , plates and spoons , and some forks and knives 你应该有以下几款东西:一个有很长握柄的锅,一副烤烙用具,一个咖啡罐;一把长的铁叉子,一把长的铁勺子.和其它一些便宜的锡杯子,盘子和勺子,和一些刀叉
| | 10. | Camping stoves , camping lanterns , camping portable heaters , patio heaters , garden torch , garden light , barbecued stoves , and other hardware , such as coffee pots , folding tables , thermometers , gas valves 坚美公司主要制造户外燃气用品和家庭五金产品,系列包括:野营燃气灯野营燃气炉野营取暖器庭院火把庭院取暖器烧烤炉阀门温度计及相关燃气配件